The Bright Business Suite

AtemisCloud features, insights and business strategies.

AtemisCloud's Architecture and Great Work X

title By design, Atemis was built upon our customers' requests.

The year was 1998. AtemisCloud's journey began with its first customer, Bank Credit Lyonnais, seeking internal workflow applications. This initial engagement laid the foundation for what would become a vast and intricate architecture, refined over 25 years. As Societe Generale joined us for HR management and Thalatel came on board in 2000 for CRM and travel reservation systems, our client base started to grow, driven by a core philosophy: build features that are not just solutions for one but can be leveraged by many.

Building Stone by Stone: The Beginning

Our strategy from the outset was clear—invest in our engineering capabilities to create a robust core solution. In 1998, we started with a three-dimensional environment, and by 2003, we had developed multi-dimensional spaces through matrices, polygons, and hundreds of parameters. Each enhancement was a new stone added to our cathedral, meticulously shaped to perfection. Like a master craftsman, our approach was to refine continuously, improve, and update. Instead of adding heavy patches and cumbersome add-ons like many in the software industry, our goal was to make our codebase smarter and lighter. As Steve Jobs aptly said, "A Mac should be as beautiful inside as outside." In the same spirit, AtemisCloud's code was designed to be as intelligent on the inside as it was functional on the outside.

The AtemisCloud diamond

A Jewel in the Making

Over the years, our architecture evolved, allowing us to polish and perfect the core of our solution. Each facet of this jewel was meticulously adjusted, transforming it into a beacon of innovation and efficiency. Our international engineering teams, comprising 360 developers over 25 years, have embedded their values and expertise into every line of code. Our solution's flexibility became one of its strongest assets. It could adapt to any business type, country, or language. Like the Transformers in the popular movie franchise, our software could morph from a single application (the car) into a comprehensive corporate solution with over 530 features (the fighter jets squadron).

Global Expansion: A Chronology

Whether it's a single application or a comprehensive corporate solution with over 530 features, AtemisCloud can adapt to the unique requirements of each client. This adaptability made it ideal for international subsidiaries of corporations and mid-market companies that needed scalable solutions. As these organizations grow and evolve, they need a solution that can scale with them. AtemisCloud provides the perfect answer, offering a wide range of features that can be activated as needed. From our humble beginnings in Luxembourg in 1998, we expanded into Poland in 1999 and France in 2000. By 2003, we had entered Germany, followed by Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Sweden in 2004. The years that followed saw us establish a presence in Ivory Coast and Singapore (2005), the United Kingdom, the US, and Spain (2006), Ukraine (2007), and Russia (2008). Our reach extended further to Vietnam (2013), Lebanon (2015), Mexico (2016), Thailand (2017), Peru, India (2018), and Brazil (2019).

Beyond Marketing: Enlightening the Path

Instead of focusing the light on ourselves through aggressive marketing, we preferred to be the light, guiding our customers. This philosophy of humility and service has been at the core of our operations. Our journey has been one of love for information systems, driven by a desire to facilitate the work of business people. We have strived to work at the speed of brain, making business processes easier and smarter.

A Spiritual and Business Odyssey

This long journey has been more than just a business venture—it has been an initiatic path that has shaped our values and principles. We have learned the importance of modesty, patience, and dedication. Each step along the way has reinforced our commitment to our customers, developers, and partners. We extend our heartfelt thanks to those who have trusted us and shared this journey. Your faith in us has been the cornerstone of our success.

A Testament to Teamwork

The jewel that is AtemisCloud today is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our international engineering teams. Over 360 developers have contributed their expertise and values, creating a solution that embodies the principles of craftsmanship and innovation. Each team member has played a crucial role in shaping our architecture, ensuring that it meets the highest standards of quality and performance.

Gratitude and Appreciation

As we look back on the past 25 years, we are filled with gratitude and appreciation. We thank our customers for their trust and support, our developers for their hard work and dedication, and our partners for their collaboration. Together, we have built something truly remarkable, a cathedral of innovation and excellence that will stand the rest of time.

Conclusion: The Road Ahead

As we move forward, we remain committed to our core values of innovation, quality, and customer-centricity. We will continue to refine and enhance our solution, ensuring that it meets the evolving needs of our clients. Our journey is far from over, and we look forward to building the next 25 years, stone by stone, with the same dedication and passion that has brought us this far. AtemisCloud's architecture is a testament to the hard work, humility, and patience. Like a cathedral built over decades, our solution has been carefully crafted, refined, and perfected. We are proud of what we have achieved and excited about the future. Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey.

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