The Bright Business Suite

AtemisCloud features, insights and business strategies.

Era of dashboards and indicators X
9/27/2016 Ha Pham

What is a KPI?

To survive and prosper in today's economic times, companies can no longer manage using financial measures alone. Businesses have to track non-financial measures such as speed of response and product quality; externally focused measures, such as customer satisfaction and brand preference; and forward looking measures, such as employee satisfaction, retention and succession planning.

All these real-time information is called KPI which we are going to take a deeper look in the below paragraph 
Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a measurable value. It demonstrates how effectively a company is achieving key business objectives. Enterprises use KPIs to evaluate their performance to reach targets.

Choosing the right KPIs depends on your business sector and your business environment. The common usage of KPIs is to measure success based on specific business goals and targets. Thus, whichever your department is, you definitely need one of the available KPIs. And yes, your business may not need every indicator.

Once you have selected your key business metrics, you surely want to track these KPIs in real time. KPI tracking can be done by using a dashboard software. Therefore, the combination of KPIs and Dashboard is considered as a powerful tool. These two elements give your entire organization insights into your current work efficiency. Fortunately, AtemisCloud has both miracle tools for you.


AtemisCloud’s Dashboard

To face to the increasing needs of its customers, Atemis launched a brand new version of its Dashboard. Efficient and dynamic, this dashboard tracks all your business KPIs. The advantages are the following: 

Identify the information you need and add the corresponding KPIs on your dashboard. Thus, you benefit from a direct view on the work of your team. The available indicators are: Sales of the day, phone call rates and many more.

Forget about those time-consuming software, this Dashboard is only one piece among 54 modules of our solution. Even with the whole SaaS, we integrate everything in a blink of an eye. You are here to have better result in a short time.

You won't find a cheaper solution with the same quality.

In doing business, every second matters. You stop wasting time by asking around information. With a quick look on your dashboard, you know directly the essentials, such as the number of signed contracts in a day.

Every member of your company doesn't have the same requirements. AtemisCloud provides a tool adaptable to any kind of expectations. The project team benefits from specific indicators whereas salespersons get detailed information on their calls and their leads. Yet, both of them use the same dashboard framework.

Are you curious? Click here to experience all that we have been discussing.

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