The Bright Business Suite

AtemisCloud features, insights and business strategies.

6 reasons to equip your salesforce with a CRM X


The acquisition of a CRM allows to fulfill 2 fundamental issues for a salesman: optimize the management of its data and generate more sales.
With AtemisCloud, boost your commercial pipeline and quickly increase your turnover!

1/ Planning daily tasks

The most valuable tool of a commercial is his time. With AtemisCloud, do not waste it! Our solution tells you the process to follow with each customer or prospect. You have a clear view of the tasks for an efficient management of your schedule. Use this management tool and free up time for pure prospecting. Focus on high value-added activities to increase your sales.

2/ Permanent access to the Data Base

The fieldwork is the natural environment of the commercial. It needs to be assisted every time and everywhere. During a meeting with a client or prospect, he must have easy access to their personal record from his smartphone or laptop. During the interview, the salesperson can add information in few seconds to refine his knowledge. Identify your contact person, propose personalized offers and convert all your sales opportunities.

3/ A global view of the commercial pipeline

The business activity of your company is teamwork. The AtemisCloud solution facilitates and encourages collaborative work. All players are interconnected and share their data. With direct access to each salesperson's workflow, the manager can communicate valuable advice and ensure better management of the sales force. These data are used to establish detailed reports to monitor the progress of the sales tunnel. The manager has a 360 ° vision and can drive his sales teams in real time. He can quickly adjust his strategy and remain competitive.

4/ A pooling of corporate resources

AtemisCloud offers a solution used by many international companies (Auchan, Total, Intercontinental ...). Cloud technology allows companies to pool their resources: you benefit from functionalities created for the leaders and made available to you. Improve your business strategy with new technologies, benefit from solutions developed for others and be more efficient than your competitors! On this solid foundation, specific features can be added to meet your needs. Our teams will add the online module, which can be directly used by yours collaborates.

5/ Simple and fast installation

By using the Cloud, you have a solution that can be deployed quickly within your organization, regardless of the workplace. Because everything is online, adding new users will be done by sending an email to recipients. With their password and id, they will join the online workspace with all their data. The transition to a cloud CRM is therefore very simple: no laborious installation and no training to follow.

6/ Secure your data and confidential information

Sending your data to the Cloud is a safety feature. Less data theft, all your data are separated according to your rights and permissions. All your information is kept online, encrypted, chopped and can be immediately recovered in case of incidents (crash of your computer, theft of your smartphone, loss of your database ...). Thus, even in case of force majeure, your activity will not be stopped because all your tools will be new available. AtemisCloud offers you a "plug and play" solution that is secure and responsive to everyday unforeseen events.

Switch to Cloud mode to boost your commercial pipeline and increase your revenue. Qualify your leads with one click, convert your prospects better and faster to customers. Your sales people can finally focus on what they do best: sell!

Discover our solutions dedicated to sales teams on CRM-Cloud


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