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6 Reasons to own a Real Estate CRM X


6 Reasons to own a Real Estate CRM

Open your window: real estate is booming in Vietnam!

With nearly $ 300 billion, it is 21% of FDI in early 2017. At the international level, the real estate sector is undergoing a major transformation through Artificial Intelligence (AI), a technology that complements CRM and enables it to unveil all its potential. Only the real estate experts who will follow these technical evolutions will be among the survivors. AtemisCloud offers a solution dedicated to the real estate sector with integrated AI technology.

1: Optimization of customer relations

Customer relations are essential for the success of a sale. The intuitu personae is a key factor in real estate activity. Customers now expect companies with whom they interact to anticipate their needs and reduce disagreements. With AtemisCloud, benefit from a complete database of your prospects and their expectations. Consult upstream all the information of customers to customize your real estate offers. Meet their needs perfectly and anticipate their demands.

2: Customizing offers with Artificial Intelligence

Backed by this database, automatic suggestions can be sent via Artificial Intelligence according to the different requests of your clients: budget, location, types of building, number of rooms ... If an opportunity appears in your real estate, automatic alerts will be sent to your prospect. Follow the interaction with the customer, humanize the relationship with your prospect, gain confidence to sell him the house of his dreams!

3: Continuous improvement of customer needs

The AI will carry out personalized reminders for each key step of the sale: appointments, presentation of goods, visits ... A very precise follow-up for all actions and interactions of the prospect. The AI will have retained its previous requests, the types of ad consulted or its preferences in order to refine its proposals. Stay close with your customers and connect to the next generation of technology!

4: Data sharing with each player of the sector

Share this data with all your colleagues. With AtemisCloud, efficiently manage the interactions of all realtors with their clients (owners and buyers). The intranet also facilitates exchanges between the various partner structures (inter-agency collaborations, exclusive contracts, banks, notaries, etc.). From the goodwill to the delivery of the keys, during the 11 stages, all real estate agents remain connected!

5: Create intelligent collaboration between professionals

Segment your customers and assets to work with the right partners. Structuring your business avoids conflicts between agencies and promotes smarter cooperation. The prospect thus receives a targeted offer resulting from this fruitful collaboration. It is no longer bombarded with similar proposals without any added value. Build quality and trust with your customers. Reduce stress and increase your turnover, AtemisCloud takes care of everything.

6: Improvement of the internal organization of your agency

Trace and archive all customer interactions (reminders, appointments, letters, credits ...). Visualize the tasks performed by your employees and optimize the management of your agency. Your brokers and real estate agents also have access to all the information useful for their missions: portfolio of mandates, management of buyers, negotiators ... With AtemisCloud, have a 360 ° view on your organization and control it most easily.

The use of an AtemisCloud solution thus makes it possible to rationalize the entire real estate process in order to quickly increase your turnover. Be better structured to be more efficient!

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