The Bright Business Suite

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Acquire more leads with your Marketing and CRM solution X

When there are continuous sales opportunities, your company will be in the prime of financial health. The key to the business machine is when there is a constant stream of sales qualified leads that are to be converted into customers. So, what are the best possible ways in which we can generate those leads, to ensure that our business is running as smoothly as it possibly can? Let’s take a look and find out.

The 8 Best Ways to Generate Sales Qualified Leads for your Company

  1. Use targeted campaigns in social media

Social media is certainly the rage out there now, and you could benefit by using social media platforms as great channels to create relationships with your potential customers. You can do this via two ways.

  • Generate a discussion around your service or product by using Engagement campaigns
  • Traffic campaigns to relatable content

The trick here is, when you create an audience that have already been through your content, you will be able to group those valuable followers of yours with a view to creating highly targeted offers via remarketing.

  1. Content Landing Pages that are bottom-of-the-Funnel

Using landing pages is an excellent way to acquire leads for your business. However, if you really wish to make an impression, you should offer bottom-of-the-funnel content that will help boost the conversion of leads that are already looking for a solution such as your product or service. Examples of these are success cases, product demos and advanced webinars.

The reason that this kind of content garners good traction, is because it grabs the attention of both the leads that are already in search for a solution to their problems, as well as the companies that might have a fit with what you’re offering.

Leads collections

  1. Having Partnerships and Co-Marketing Campaigns

This is a strategy wherein a specific material co-produce two or more companies or content that is targeted towards those readers who can get benefitted from the solutions that are being offered. Take for instance two companies that are creating a partnership to produce a webinar that talks about the practices which are best to optimize content marketing workflows.

This really helps because here both companies share their contacts with one another as usually the campaign is sent through targeted newsletter and email marketing campaigns.

  1. Sponsoring or Attending Events/Fairs/Conferences

 If you really wish to grab the eyeballs of your prospective customers, you might wish to do this. That’s because, corporate attendees are more likely to discover the innovative methods and products that will improve their processes and help them see a good increase in their numbers.

You will find that this works because corporate events are famous where it comes to grabbing the attention of the ones that make important decisions and influencers. In fact, there are some sponsorship ties that even allow you to send messages and display your solution to a qualified group of attendees.

  1. E Mail marketing

While we have touched upon this briefly in the aforementioned point on co-marketing and partnerships, here’s where we explore it to the fullest. In fact, it is one of the few marketing channels that have actually stood the test of time.

There is a way that you can take that email marketing of yours to the next level. It’s via marketing automation. Marketing automation tools are nothing but effective hybrid email marketing tools that help you to connect with your CRM in order to enable you to automatically send highly targeted emails to leads; emails that are personalized specifically to them.

  1. Content Marketing

Whether you’re using infographics, videos or even Q&A blog posts, content marketing is strong and it’s here to stay.

The key here is to be constantly on a learning curve; to understand what is working for you by experimenting with different content strategies. So, whether you are using blogging, research reports, microsites or even infographics for that matter, what is truly important is that you test what works and what doesn’t, so that you can gradually tweak your content strategy in order to get the most possible leads for your business.

  1. Using SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and PPC (Pay per click)

This is one of the really great ways in which you can generate more leads for your business.

If you really wish to increase the effectiveness of the PPC campaign, consider using long-tail keyword phrases that are highly targeted search terms that typically consist of three words or even more. You will find that these drive traffic on account of their specificity and they aren’t all that competitive as shorter search terms that tend to be higher in volume.

In the case of SEO, consider something educational; something that your audience can actually benefit from. Then, create that content around your target keywords.

  1. Customer Referrals

Customer referrals can be a powerful way to help generate more leads. The thing is, an existing customer will know exactly what you are offering, and what’s more, they will know exactly what the prospective customer who is being referred by them, needs.

You will gain a great amount of credibility in the eyes of your prospective customer, because in all probability you are coming highly recommended from someone that they know and trust. Besides, a happy customer will be more than happy to refer your product to others.

The idea behind this article is in championing the best possible ways in which you can bring in those invaluable sales qualified leads. This is far more important than simply bringing in leads that might really be of no value.

That is why, it is absolutely imperative for a company to focus on the best possible strategies for lead acquisitions. Needless to say, you need not look any further than these 8 astute tips that have been encapsulated in this article for you, in order to attract the hottest leads possible for your business.

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