The Bright Business Suite

AtemisCloud features, insights and business strategies.

Get an intelligent CRM which fills the data for you X

ost of the CRM users focus on their contacts lists and activities. The qualification of data is a pain for all. After several months, your contacts details are no more valid, especially in such countries like Vietnam where employees use to change their company often. It makes the data cleaning and cleansing hard and costly.

The quality of your data is Key. An intelligent CRM should fill and complete the data for you. Using the social networks, the application can collect all public data linked to your contacts, will update the contacts accordingly or alert you. The logo of the companies can be collected directly from the web. The photo of all your contacts can be withdrawn from their public profile. A bunch of details such as the position, the current company, the telephone number, the email, their relationships,... can be grabbed from several public sources.

A smart CRM is your best friend. It works for you and makes your business’ life easier.

AtemisCloud developed several features, some with Artificial Intelligence, to enrich the data of its own customers. The bots work for you. Like a good sales assistant, they provide you with the right information, will update the data when they are trivial (logo, photo), or will require your validation when it requires a human's check.

The address of your prospect changes, the contact changed its position or company, the application allows you to check, validate and update data on a single click.

In AtemisCloud, we believe that the value of a CRM is not the software only.  The content of the database is much more important. It allows you to get the right analysis on your customers behaviors, the trends, the similarities, and then define the action to do. “Information at the source of action”. In IT we use to speak about Garbage in, Garbage Out.  The capital of your company is your clean database and detailed customers’ insights.

The right CRM should allow you to fill and update easily your database, maintain your capital at a low rate and keep the database clean.

This feature is available for all other AtemisCloud branches (CRM | Marketing | Administration | Projects | Finance | HR).
The application can collect all the jobs opened by your competitors and get the average salary paid. From companies books of list, the feature grabs the  tax number,  the official address, the legal representative, the stamp, the list of your competitors... as the last yearly sales declared when available.  

You will be free from external companies providing data qualifications, call centers and costly services to maintain your database.

It’s time to invest in the right solution. It will become your best business friend. Get your own 

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