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How Artificial Intelligence (AI) will boost the healthcare sector in Vietnam X
9/22/2017 Julie Nguyen

The healthcare sector is growing strongly in Vietnam. Specialized medical structures abound as well as their needs. To accompany them, AtemisCloud provides a healthcare Cloud solution dedicated to healthcare professionals. It offers business modules aligned to Western standards and has added artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities.

Strong growth in demand for medical care

With the increase in quality of life, the demand for health services is on the rise. Spending on health care systems accounts for 7.2% of GDP in Vietnam, the highest in the South Asian region. The Vietnamese population, which will soon reach 100 million inhabitants, is very young (60% of the population under 30 years) and a lifetime that increases (75 years old).

These data, combined with the emergence of a middle class with increasing purchasing power, increase this medical demand. A population that is more sensitive to aesthetic care or wellness services (dental follow-up, dermatology, plastic surgery ...). The growth of hospitals and clinics in Vietnam thus generates fierce competition and only quality structures will survive. To support these needs, AtemisCloud provides a solution for the healthcare sector.

Improved service quality through management technologies

For each patient, health organizations must manage a large amount of data. This information is confidential and very sensitive. For a professional and secure management of a patient record, the use of a PRM module (Patient Relationship Management) is essential today.

The PRM offers a 360 ° view of the patient in real time. In addition to his identity card (age, weight, height ...), the whole medical profile is detailed: family history, allergies, prescribed medications, observations of the attending physician ... The use of a PRM module allows improving the relations between doctors and patients with full transparency.

By cross-checking pre-recorded data in the system, it is possible to quickly identify the symptoms, the patient's illnesses and the prescription to be provided. Medical visits analyzes, and lists of medicines are then saved in the solution. They allow the practitioner to have a complete view of the patient. The PRM allows a knowledge, a very precise follow-up of each patient. The solution avoids errors of prescriptions, knows the dosages and prevents cases of allergies. The software becomes the partner of the doctor and his best assistant.

Sharing of medical data between all employees

The number of players on a patient record may be important. Alongside the attending physician, other practitioners must access the information and apply their analysis. Specialists, doctors from another department or hospital can directly intervene in the decision-making process. Communicating and sharing data with all these players becomes a must. With a modern solution, all information is quickly disseminated.

This application also makes it possible to improve the organization of the different sections of the same hospital. All the information can be consulted and modified in real time on tablets or smartphones dedicated to personnel. The Reporting module offers a complete summary of information for the optimization of the medical and financial management of the institutions.

Increased interactivity with highly invested and ultra-connected Vietnamese patients

Today, patients take a more active part in managing their health. They can actually access information, forums or online communities. They sometimes approach their doctor with an advanced knowledge of their needs. Patients then want to invest in monitoring their medical records.

Vietnam's ultra-connected population, especially the new generation, is generating a multitude of expectations on this point: patients want to follow their files on their smartphones, be able to interact quickly with their doctors, manage their treatment remotely ... This feature is proposed by AtemisCloud within mobile versions of modules and client extranets.

The younger generation also imbibes Western standards of health/wellness and naturally wish to have the same benefits. The Vietnamese structures must therefore align themselves with these international references in order to remain competitive. With AtemisCloud, you have a quality solution already used by institutions around the world.

Use of the AI for optimization of medical resources

This wealth of medical information creates enormous amounts of data. An important database that only the AI can sort, analyze and exploit in an optimal way. The algorithms can identify medical cases and resolve interrogations through the data history of the patient concerned and all other known similar cases. Crossing various information such as symptoms, family / medical history, may help to detect a pathology.

The AI avoids a multitude of visits and approximate human diagnosis. The saving of time and human resources is considerable. The module constantly learns, refines its results according to new similar profiles and offers much more relevant diagnostics than those of human brains. The medical assistant that all doctors and health insurance companies have dreamed of!

Taking advantage of this information is essential for medical structures. The solution improves the quality of care, increases cures, patient satisfaction, the reputation of the facility and contributes to the continuous improvement of the health of the Vietnamese.

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