The Bright Business Suite

AtemisCloud features, insights and business strategies.

Business Process Organisation X
4/3/2017 Ha Pham

Have you ever wished to manage your docs easily?

Business Process Organisation (BPO) enables you to control the production, storage, management and distribution of e-documents, enhance your works’ effectiveness and help you to reuse information and authorize the “paper” workflow.


You can manage all kinds of records which can be a contract, a quotation, invoice or letter…You will define the name of the document then prepare the content with:

  • The path: the path of the folder where the docs will be saved
  • The template name
  • The query: to load the merged data from your database and customize the template. After choosing your data that you want to merge, what you need to do is simple drag and drop into the template. All the fields added will be visible into the list of merge fields.

You can then save the templates, print and send the merged documents directly to the customers. The merged docs can be accessible to any part of AtemisCloud solution with an hypertext link (Yes, there is no file attached now). The documents can now follow a workflow where roles, actions and timing are defined. The document can be reviewed, validated or rejected by the N+1 manager on a defined period, then send to the next take holder and so on. The full history of the documents is visible at each level. 

Beside helping you in the process, working with BPO also reduces the storage space. You can manage zillions of documents in your limited space. There is no more stress of finding a doc. Use the structure and the search engine. BPO endorses you to locate every document logically.

Enhance your security with the system itself, improve the regulatory compliance and for sure better collaboration.

And what’s next? BPO helps you to save the world! It is more than just going paperless. There will be no more trees cutting down for paper making. Therefore, pollution, landslides and flooding will be reduced to the minimum.

The benefits of BPO are significant.  All the necessary docs/templates management and combination are integrated into one solution: AtemisCloud
Simplify and Optimize your working process now with Atemiscloud. 
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