The Bright Business Suite

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Happy Birthday AtemisCloud! 20 years old! Discover our story X
10/18/2018 Julie Nguyen

Happy Birthday AtemisCloud! 20 years old! Discover our story

An innovative idea ...

At the beginning of Internet, Benoit Barrier founds AtemisCloud on October 1998. His idea is simple and innovative: to democratize management solutions. Intended only for large groups, these intelligent and structured tools would be made available to SMEs and SMIs. AtemisCloud offers an all-in-one solution that avoids the installation of a multitude of software and updates. The company takes care of everything from its data centers. Business information is transferred to outsourced and shared servers, later called the Cloud.

If the concept seems obvious today, it is revolutionary and quickly seduced. Large companies then trust AtemisCloud. The first customer was Credit Lyonnais (LCL) in 2000, Carrefour (Marketing and HR) the same year, Géant Casino (Project Management), Generali (CRM) in 2001, KPMG - Eastern Europe adopted its CRM in 2003 and the Renault Group in Paris chose it for its customer portal in 2004. Google and Amazon then realize the potential of Cloud Computing and are launched into the market.

... and strong values

Precursor, AtemisCloud is also fiercely independent in order to defend its values: "Confidence, Quality, Responsibility". In an IT world where all companies call on investors before launching their business, AtemisCloud is an exception because it remains free and self-financing.

Today, the AtemisCloud Group is made up of several international companies and is present in 11 countries, spread over 5 continents. The AtemisCloud solution has always maintained innovation and quality at the core of its activity. It is for this reason that we are pleased to offer this added value to our best customers and to leave others to our competitors ;)

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this great adventure.

AtemisCloud will continue on its way and will always be at your side for your projects. Get your own AtemisCloud solution.

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