The Bright Business Suite

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Organizing a schedule: Make it easier for your employees X
10/7/2016 Ha Pham

ASAP. I actually use quite often this abbreviation in my texts for my friends. When I am in a hurry and already late for a meeting with them, I don’t have time to write a whole sentence. So, I just send them “coming ASAP”. Usually the following message I receive is “What is ASAP?”. That is how I come to tell them that it stands for “As Soon As Possible”.

Actually, this expression is the vaguest and most confused I know. What does it mean? You are coming in 10 minutes because you are late or in 1 hour because something unexpected happened?

It happens the same at work. When you just got a new project, you run wild through the office because you are so exciting. You allocate tasks to your team. And of course, you ask them to make it as soon as possible, because you are so impatient to work on it. Yet, how do your employees know how to insert those new tasks in their working schedule? Is this task more important than the one given by Robert? Or more urgent than the other one left by Emma two days ago? They don’t know. And they can’t. Because they don’t have any overview of all the projects.


Atemis has created a module “Tasks Management”. For each task you assign to your employees, they receive an email. Thus, they are kept updated regularly of their work. All the tasks are gathered on one list available on the ERP. Yet the asset of this module is: for each task a priority and a deadline are indicated. Hence, your employees know what is urgent and what can be done later. Their schedules are easier to organize. Besides, as soon as they finish a task, they validate its end, write a report and indicate the time they spent on it. The information is automatically sent to the manager or to you. He can consult it at any time and follow step by step the project. A project cost control is also established. You don’t need to go around, ask everyone how long they spent on their tasks and calculate by yourself the cost of the project. Everything is done automatically.

Want to try it? Click here to get your free trial.

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