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Personalized Learning: Artificial Intelligence and the future of Education X

AI is arguably gaining terrain in every aspect of our lives. At first, in the dawn of the computer revolution, software was completely passive. Human beings were telling computers what and how to do everything. With forty years in, computers and algorithms have improved in such a way that they are now giving back more than we put in. As AI gets better, it can be applied to more complicated matters and education is the final frontier.

Education through the ages

For most people, children and screens are a bad combination. Most parents struggle to get their children out of their computers and cellphones and into books. But, the question lingers on: is it possible and positive to ask our children to focus on books when they do everything else with screens? Will that really prepare them for what´s to come?

Education has changed and adapted to technology through the ages and this shall not be the exception. Most of our world is run through AI algorithms, then why is it that people are so hesitant to enjoy the benefits of technology in education? Read on as we unveil the answer to this question.

Mind the gap

This is one of the main uses that the addition of AI can give to education as an enhancement: close the knowledge gap. Many times, the design of the content and the way it is delivered is not the optimum for every student. This causes a gap in knowledge and while some are enjoying high-speed teaching, others are struggling to get on board. AI as a complement for regular teaching is designed to close that gap and create a new way of teaching leaving no one behind.

Education with AI

One-fits-all approach

The way that the education is delivered nowadays teachers are supposed to deliver a single design for an entire class that can go up to thirty people. This has been the same way since the midst of the 19th century and doesn't necessarily work efficiently. With AI, it is possible to break that approach and make each children have a tailored education.

Reading facial expressions for real time adjustments

Facial expression reading software can detect which student in a classroom is following the content confidently and easy and who is struggling with it. AI software such as Third Space Learning can tell the teacher to slow down or to focus on one student based on face recognition. Real-time adjustments can be made possible without waiting until the tests or the end of the term.

Improved learning strategies

Learning strategies in place might not be the best for specific children in a classroom. AI software can detect this and assist the teacher with immediate feedback to correct the teaching strategy. As a result, the improved learning strategies can lead to a more integral approach that leaves no one behind.

Automated tasks delegation

The most tedious parts of teaching for most professionals are homework and test correction and notes uploading. So far, computers have helped with the correction of multiple-choice exams, but recent developments can broaden their action field. Written tasks correction and notes uploading could free up time for teachers to focus on those who are learning at a different speed and/or have different capabilities. AI taking over all tasks that can be delegated is part of closing the gap between students.

Data storage and analysis

With the usage of AI in successive school years of the same student, teachers and educational institutions can create a student profile. By storing information about challenges and how they struggled or excelled at certain subjects, AI can make the student´s path easier. Creating a profile where to store all the information gathered by AI and analyzing it for conclusions is a step forward into the future. If the aim of education facilities today is to close the gap between students, creating a learning profile for each is the best way to go.

Cooperation, not replacement

Because of some science fiction books and movies, most people think that AI-driven robots will take over the world. Especially in educational matters, the resistance found in teachers and parents is huge. It is important to understand that science fiction is not real life and that the work with AI is to complement and aid human beings to perform a better job.

Emotional intelligence & soft skills

The soft skills and emotional intelligence involved in teaching cannot be replaced by AI. There is something about the human sensibility that has not yet (or will ever be) replaced by any algorithm. Although AI can be very useful in matters of assistance and information, it can´t replace the teachers. Soft skills and emotional intelligence are so far irreplaceable and is not where AI development is heading at. The main aim of AI companies is to make the best companion for a teacher, not a replacement.

The first reaction to every change is NO

This is a statement that is valid for every change human kind has had to endure in history. Every time innovation knocks on the door of old thoughts, it gets sent off. This is mainly because human beings are not friends with change, we much rather prefer our comfort zone. Partially because of the fear of replacement and partially because of the resistance to change, most teachers refuse to work with AI. Although it is not implemented worldwide yet, improvements should reach every school.

The bottom line

AI is improving and growing as time goes by to make our lives easier and more comfortable. If you stop for a second and start thinking how life was fifty years ago, the difference is amazing. How will life be fifty years from now into the future? Well, AI will be a lot more present in everyday life and hopefully will improve our educational systems. Freeing teachers time from uploading notes and correcting homework to actually work on struggling students might be the first step of a huge change. Keep an eye on the role AI has on education and witness the positive change.

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