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The benefits of Cloud HR solution X
2/10/2019 Julie Nguyen HR

Human Resource (HR) management has moved on from traditional pen-and-paper systems to cloud based software solutions that make the HR management process seamless. An online solution provides more reliable and strategic methods that enable organizations to further enhance their work processes and harmonize their business management.

The ground reality is that organizations that are making use of cloud HR technologies are quickly gaining increased productivity. In addition, they are also gaining cost advantages over organizations still using manual processes and outdated technology. A cloud solution contributes towards creating a 360° view of the entire workforce for all organizations even those which are spread across different locations.

Cloud applications allow minimal cost of operations and ownership and are free from regular software upgrades.
The following article details why cloud-based HR solutions are ideal for organizations seeking to optimize their resources and retain talents.

Comparative cost advantage

A unique benefit of cloud-based solutions is the cheaper cost. The economy ranges from the immediately observable to those that are realized over time. Another benefit of cloud apps is that they are free from expensive upgrades and maintenance. What’s more, they are also free from installation costs and hidden charges. This inevitably makes a cloud solution more attractive and cost effective for more and more organizations looking to improve their HR processes in order to achieve greater collaboration, efficiency and scalability.

Increase the employees’ productivity

When the HR management is cloud based, it is accessible anytime from any location, at any time and from any device. This allows the management of employee concerns on-the-go, leading to increased productivity and efficiency. During a flight, you can access to the several employees’ requests and validate them. The employees themselves experience greater productivity as they can now be more self-dependent, can access to their HR reports, contract and payrolls without seeking constant help from the HR. A cloud solution allows the HR managers to be more efficient, reactive, get more KPI to improve the full organization. This leads to a more transparent and efficient workforce that can work in perfect synergy across all levels, translating in a more human environment where all personnel get involved.

HR Cloud solution

To be more human

HR was inherently more focused on processes than on people, more focused on logical workflows than on human talents. For global businesses spread across multiple locations this can be a significant challenge, especially when dealing with an agile workforce. As more and more companies continue to rely on a combination of internal and external talents, it is imperative to set achievable and reasonable standards.

Using a cloud based system allows the HR managers to create a level playing field, irrespective of the office location or type of employee. Cloud HR software is designed to make every aspect of HR management seamless, including KPI, salary and training. This helps to establish a universal benchmark, thus ensuring that all employees work within the same framework; this is a vital step for ensuring a blended and co-operative work culture which is no doubt a necessity in the 21st century.

Boost employees’ engagement

Cloud HR applications introduce transparency in the HR management process, thereby increasing the levels of employee satisfaction and happiness. Such transparency is only achievable in a workplace where there is open communication between all levels of employees. In large organizations the sheer size of the workforce itself can be a hindrance in effective manager-employee communication.  Robust cloud based HR solutions can help in this regard by ensuring proper feedback at all levels.

Managers can utilize Talent Review applications to easily identify employees and develop well informed talent creation and maintenance plans, all the while ensuring real-time feedbacks. Managers and employees can then participate in regular and updated communication, instead of waiting for scheduled reviews. For employees this translates to increased motivation and greater transparency. For managers this means a better workforce and improved productivity. Overall, this brings an effective employee management, which is essential for hiring, nurturing and sustaining the best talents.

By cloud solutions, HR managers are able to convert company values and goals into trackable and actionable metrics, create a more cooperative work environment. The employees are able to execute their jobs better, which means greater values for employees at their individual level and for the company as a whole.

Streamline the recruitment process

Recruitment is one of the major functions of HR management, and cloud technology can help in the optimization of this process. The entire process of interviewing, sourcing and engaging new employees is optimized by the online collaborative workflow. A cloud HR solution makes the recruitment process much easier by ensuring participation and reviews at all levels, with proper communication of feedbacks to the right people. The recruiting time for one job can be reduced from months to days. This improves the speed of all company’s processes, the number of candidates and interviews that the company can handle, reduce the costs and increase the overall company’s business. If the recruitment process ends up keeping the candidates unnecessarily waiting, it sends out improper signals about the company’s image. Cloud software solutions can help organizations acquire the very best of talents in a fast and efficient manner.

In conclusion, with cloud HR solutions, HR managers can define their strategy with the application, convert their company values and goals into KPI, track them all over the year while ensuring a better work environment for all employees.
By moving the entire HR management operation to the cloud, HR managers can achieve scalability and ubiquity in the management of the workforce. The goal is to increase the productivity, create an opened company’s culture, increase the employees’ interactions, satisfy all the members and provide an image of confidence and care.

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