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The benefits of retail and distribution management solutions X

In the development activities of businesses, product manufacturing companies, distributors play an important role in their business and trade. Distributor is an intermediary unit connecting manufacturers with agents as well as consumers. A large distributor can distribute many different products and brands. However, the difficulty in distribution management that businesses face is inventory problems, uncontrollable goods, staff management, and distribution of goods between levels. physical. So how to prevent risks in distribution management? That is the question posed by many businesses today. To solve those difficulties AtemisCloud developed a management software solution for distributors, which the distributors were able to apply to optimize operations, solving challenges related to distribution operations, retail and distribution of your business or company. At the same time, the solution also helps you to grasp the consumer tastes of the market. From there, make appropriate plans, strategies and promotions.

Retail & Distribution

Our solution offers 3 main features:
1/ Salesforce (Calendar, meetings, calls, tasks and reports)..
2/ CRM with 360° around each customer (connected to MS Navision).
3/ Sales order for all their sales people.

Help manage and monitor the entire sales and distribution network, including sales team monitoring, purchasing and distribution management, inventory management, billing, reporting, sales control number, store track of orders, ... You can maximize your profits by using such a system to plan and manage your entire retail sales and distribution channels. CRM also helps manage all customer communications across all sales segments and channels from a single platform. As well as providing the convenience of reaching your customers, it helps to regulate your sales control and manage your business strategy.
Distribution management is critical to your commercial success and the sustainability of your business or company. Most growing businesses want to optimize their distribution management processes to gain a competitive edge in harsh business environments.

The benefits of a distribution management system

  • Optimizing sales performance

All distribution processes in the system are automated to help businesses optimize all activities in their sales and distribution processes. Easily create orders and place orders. Enterprises are proactive in controlling inventory, optimizing the rotation of goods on their distribution chain. The performance of the sales team is also controlled and motivated to achieve the most optimal efficiency through specific indicators with accurate and effective measurement tool methods.
  • Increase customer relationship
Any large or small business or company with any model, the customer is the most valuable asset. Having good customer relationships is thanks to good service and the sincerity that you built to develop good relationships. Using the system gives you a multi-dimensional view around your customers, keeping all information about potential customers in a central location, helping you to foster important business relationships.
  •  Fast and easy transaction
Advanced distribution management system helps the company serve customers more effectively. All processes can be handled more quickly because everything is automated. And everything is easy to understand, so the timeout is reduced. This makes the business look more efficient and capable in the eyes of the customer creating more demand in the industry.
  • Accurate data
With processes and functions closely designed and effectively supporting the users in the system, businesses will have a complete and accurate set of distribution management data from market data. sales, sales route to inventory, promotion, display, ... limit and minimize cases of change of sales data. This data will help companies make decisions and implement more effective and accurate sales strategies.
  • Effectiveness measurement
The sales targets are designed and allocated effectively and accurately to each salesperson, point of sale for each category, ... to help the company give different strategic directions and measure the effectiveness each program. Promotions from simple to complex are also managed on the system to help the company measure and strictly control the budget and the implementation of promotions on each order, each point of sale.
  • Market mastery
With a distribution management system, you will be provided with real and accurate data, thereby helping to proactively implement your sales strategies to the market. You are also completely proactive when there are changes and fluctuations in personnel in the distribution system and easily establish new distributors, new areas for new sales teams. Exploiting the system will help the distributor to take complete initiative in his supply chain.
  • Increased brand name
Effective implementation and management of the sales program to attract and drive consumption from users increases user loyalty and distributor-to-point collaboration because they have seen the so beneficial. The system will also provide functions and processes to strictly manage exhibitions to increase branding, products displayed with professional images on each point of sale.
  • Easy inventory control
A good distribution management system software provides automated inventory management. A business can simply monitor inventory at different distributor warehouses using this system. This is very beneficial because businesses that use distribution management systems can quickly decide which warehouse products to send to according to the latest needs. Having a good system in hand, the predictive efficiency of the product line will be much higher and the possibility of inappropriate supply and demand among distributors and agents will decrease by a significant margin.
  • Control of sales
With tracking features, aggregate sales, help distributors understand the business situation.
Sales are updated quickly and accurately in real time. Every order sold is recorded on the system in terms of quantity and price. Therefore, the distributor will capture each certain period of time and know whether the sales have big changes or not.
  • Improve efficiency every day
Distributors and retailers are benefiting from reduced order and delivery times and transparency in transactions.
The distributed management software system can handle large workloads with ease without increasing the number of employees. In addition to reducing workload, this system will improve workplace comfort and give your members enough space to run for other priorities.
  •  Effective reporting
An efficient distribution management system comes with a user-friendly control panel. This helps users, sales department, distributors, warehouse department, and payment collection department, etc. to easily view the required reports. They can view daily, weekly, and monthly reports and charts and use them for forecasting, setting goals, and improving sales and operations.
  • Cost savings
Using distribution management software in your business can reduce costs. Your company has saved a lot of money because you don't have to hire more people to monitor your transactions. Also, there is no need to pay for manual calculations.
Distribution management software can save you a substantial amount of cash by eliminating the need to attract more resources to track sales and inventory.
  • Your time Saving
Distributed management system will not only save money but also save time effectively. Helps you company in no time on common tasks that can be automated quickly. It can also streamline your methods and save you time. Using this system will bring full benefits from all stakeholders starting from the manufacturer, the distributor to the retailer.


An intelligent distribution management system will take your business stronger and higher. This is a modern system that gives you total control over your sales funnel.

It can be said that this is a comprehensive solution to help distributors manage their business.

Having a strong distribution management system is also essential for you to increase your competitiveness in the market, while also increasing the comfort of your stakeholders when doing business with you.

It shows a bigger future for your business or company.

Make yourself different. 
Be innovative for success.

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