The Bright Business Suite

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AUCHAN uses Atemiscloud to conquer the Vietnamese market X

Auchan Vietnam uses AtemisCloud solutions

With 962 stores worldwide, annual revenue of 54 billion euros (50% overseas), Auchan is the 12th largest distributor worldwide and the 2nd French. Auchan is located in 16 countries on 3 continents. Since 2014, the firm is present in Vietnam with 3 hypermarkets and plans to open 20 before the end of 2020 to become one of the market leaders. That is why Auchan relies on Atemis and its 18 years of experience to benefit from an effective marketing solution in order to increase its striking force in this market with multiple assets. 

A simple but flexible tool for business strategy

Atemis offers a unique solution that manages all aspects of a company's marketing strategy: CRM, target segments, webmarketing, analysis and reports. Based on this solid foundation, the Atemis solution is nevertheless customizable and perfectly adaptable to the specificities of the targeted market. Although already present in Asia with hundreds of stores in China and Taiwan, Auchan has a totally different approach in Vietnam, a particularly complex market. Atemis is thus the ideal solution to support the strategy of the group.

A mass solution but personalized for each customer

By 2020, the number of inhabitants in Vietnam will reach 100 million and will see the emergence of a middle class stimulating the demand for consumer goods and high-quality products. Auchan wants to capture a clientele with increasing purchasing power but, before being loyal, this audience must become familiar with the concept of mass retailing, which is still underdeveloped in the country: retails stores currently represent less than 20% of Vietnamese sales outlets. 

Through its personalized emailing and sms services, Atemis increases the reputation of the Auchan group by disseminating information, offers and product suggestions to customers according to their consumption habits. Traditional market research is being replaced by intelligent Atemis programs that automatically retrieve and analyze all consumer-related data so that Auchan can use them appropriately.

A module that analyzes and modifies the company's strategy

Atemis also helps to refine the strategy of a group, a crucial skill for large-scale distribution firms like Auchan. Representing 60% of the Vietnamese population, under-30s are dynamic people, adept at new technologies and sensitive to current trends. This clientele is receptive to the retails store concept, consuming a lot but remains demanding and volatile. Companies must therefore be reactive to adapt their marketing strategy to this type of audience. More than selling products, companies must constantly offer new services to differentiate and better respond to the needs of their customers.

By combining the collected data, Atemis modules can recalculate their marketing proposals according to similar customer or to reports and analyzes from previous advertising campaigns. The marketing strategy is therefore automatically refined to remain efficient and relevant. The opportunities on the Vietnamese market are enormous for Auchan but competition is strong. Auchan wants to be fast and efficient and relies on Atemis to benefit from an adequate marketing solution in order to increase its presence in the Vietnamese market.




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