The Bright Business Suite

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What is CRM? Is CRM really necessary for your businesses? X

One thing is for sure customers are the most important factor to help businesses survive and thrive. How you manage customer relationships determines the success of your business. When you start to focus on customers, CRM is mentioned as a way for businesses to manage customer information, implement interactive activities, take care of customers, ... with the goal of developing relationships. close relationship between customers and businesses. The phrase CRM has become the concern of many businesses and business units from large to small scale. So what is CRM? Why is CRM software so important? Are you looking for a CRM solution for you?
There are many questions posed and let's learn more about the above issues.


What is CRM?

According to Wikipedia: CRM is the abbreviation for the English phrase: Customer relationship management is a method to help businesses approach and communicate with customers in a systematic and effective way, managing customers' information. such as account information, needs, communications and other matters to better serve customers. The overall goals are to find, attract and trust new customers, retain existing partners, bring back old customers, reduce marketing costs and expand customer service. Measuring and evaluating relationships with customers is very important in strategic implementation goals ...

Who is CRM for?

You think that only managers, sales and marketing need to use CRM. But in fact, every part of the business can exploit and receive certain benefits. CRM provides everyone from sales, customer service, business development, recruitment, marketing or any other business division ... a better way to manage relationships. and external interactions lead to success.

What is the goal of CRM?

The goal of CRM is towards customers to build and develop customer relationships. CRM offers the best services based on the actual needs of customers. It is customer satisfaction that drives the development in the relationship between customers and businesses. CRM also helps businesses to have a thorough insight into customer behavior and values through technology tools and human resources. Analyze the customer transaction process from the first contact to the last contact and analyze the customer needs to propose the next marketing item. With an effective CRM strategy, a business can significantly increase revenue thanks to:
Provide exactly the services and products customers want.
Provide better customer care services.
The attached products are more effective.
Help sales staff sell products faster.
Retaining existing customers and finding new ones.

What is the function of CRM?

The main functions of CRM are to collect and manage customer information, transactions, and contracts with customers. Effective customer care support. Sales process automation. Build professional marketing campaigns. Increase the linkages between departments of the business. Manage work and increase employee's work efficiency.
In addition, CRM has many other functions depending on the needs of the business.

Why is CRM important to your business?

A business that exists and thrives in the long term, needs a future strategy that focuses on customers and an appropriate technology. Because customer relationships are the most important part of a business's growth. And a CRM system can give you a clear overview of your customers. You can see everything in one place, on dashboard, you can customize, can tell you the past history of customers with you, their order status, any service issues Existing customers, etc. You will have a clear vision of every opportunity or prospect, showing you a clear path from inquiry to sales. CRM as a sales and marketing tool to ensure that customer needs are at the forefront of business processes and innovation cycles.
By now, you should understand more about why CRM is so important to the business.

Which CRM solution are you looking for?

Currently, there are a lot of CRM solutions that make you wonder and ask the question which is good, appropriate, but the cost is reasonable?
Don't worry, I'll present you with the most advanced solution designed with all the features that best suit your business. AtemisCloud CRM provides all the modules you need to manage a sales cycle.
AtemisCloud CRM is a cloud-based software system that runs directly on the website platform. You just need to have the device access to the web browser and have an internet connection such as phone, laptop, tablet ... then you can use CRM anytime, anywhere, anywhere in the world. . This is a solution that makes the management and customer care more convenient than ever, compared to having to install software on the server computer to be able to take care of customers for the business.
Not only that, with AtemisCloud CRM, businesses with multiple offices and branches can use the same CRM software system on the Website platform. Whether the manager or employee is at home or in the office, whether at a distance or in the city, it can be used. AtemisCloud CRM has been constantly evolving to be able to solve all the shortcomings that traditional CRM previously encountered in order to bring maximum benefits to businesses.

Great benefits that AtemisCloud CRM brings to your business.

+ Efficient and easy customer relationship management.

Customer relationships cannot just be a good way of saying that we are preparing someone for a sale. We really need to find a way to make those relationships go well. Using a CRM system will increase productivity among reps, keep all information about potential customers in the center, help you close more transactions, and foster important business relationships. .
CRM is the place to collect, store and aggregate all of your history with your customers and their behavior metrics. Passion and sincerity are at the core of any successful business, so focus your strategy on advancing them. Chats with customers are much richer when they are informed by what you know and understand about them.
CRM allows you to store customer and leads contact information, identify sales opportunities, record service issues and manage marketing campaigns, all in one place. Center and provide information about every customer interaction to anyone at your company that may need it.
CRM has easy data access and visibility, and collaboration and productivity growth will become easier. You can see how customers were communicated, what they bought, last purchase, what they paid and much more. CRM can help you of all sizes, drive business growth, and it can be especially beneficial for you as a business where teams often need to find more enrichment ways.

+ Workflow automation

CRM software is equipped with the feature to automate all of the sales process. Thanks to that, the sales process will be promoted effectively.
Boring and time-consuming jobs will be replaced by smart and professional workflows. Leads will also be automatically assigned to the appropriate sales representative for follow-up.

+ Save time

Saving time is one of the most wonderful benefits that this is the outstanding advantage when applying technology in management. Usually you have to deal with mountains of work that take a lot of time. However, with the CRM software, all customer management tasks are integrated inside.
The software automatically handles a lot of tasks such as allocating leads, storing customer information, implementing automated marketing campaigns, ... Within a few clicks, the job is done. Save a lot of time and effort.
CRM software will change your work habits to help you work scientifically and systematically. Forget about having to sit for hours to input data manually, manage manually ...
Using a CRM system, customers will be managed and cared for more comprehensively. Enterprises can save most of their time and resources. At the same time, CRM helps to improve sales productivity, catch up with today's modern integration trend. Increase the effectiveness of your marketing strategy.
With CRM you will never have to waste time recording emails, calls, meetings and interactions because all this information is automatically collected and synthesized in the system.

+ Reduce costs, increase revenue.

CRM can be fast and easy to deploy. A cloud-based system requires no special installation and no hardware setup required greatly to reduce costs. Cloud-based CRM systems are priced based on the types of features required. This can be very cost effective in terms of capital costs and is also extremely flexible allowing you to scale and add more people as your business grows.
AtemisCloud is functionally flexible you won't have to pay for any features that aren't useful to you.
Applying technology and using good customer relationship management increase revenue is inevitable.

+ Work anywhere

Through mobile applications, web interface CRM technology allows you to access and get work done, check and update data instantly from anywhere as long as an internet connection is required. Cloud-based CRM systems mean every user has the same information, all the time.


Thus, you can see that the introduction of CRM is essential for every small and large business, it has solved many business difficulties. This solution not only stores customer information but also a total solution to help businesses control their entire business process, bringing countless benefits for the future.
Let Atemiscloud accompany you.

If the sky is a reflection of the ocean, the clouds are like flying fishes.

To be able to fly confidently find yourself a big cloud.
The CRM cloud accompanies you on every path.

Just raise your head and you'll always smile!

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