AtemisCloud Business Suite
List of the 540 features
The chart showing Series 1 series.

Branch: 2.Marketing Feature: Emailing | TrackedLinks AtemisCloud | 2.Marketing | Emailing | TrackedLinks
Description:Tracked links feature will help you to be ensured that information and offers reach the targeted audience. Each time customer opens your email and clicks on those links, you’ll have a report. You can attach to this link image, file, flash, object or whatever you want to make the email catching.

Branch: 3.Administration Feature: Certificates AtemisCloud | 3.Administration | Certificates
Description:This back office feature is dedicated to storing all certificates for your products. These certificates will then be visible from the website part. This part will allow your final customers to search for the product and get the dedicated certificates images.

Branch: 4.Project Feature: Program List AtemisCloud | 4.Project | Program List
Description:This feature is designed to display the list of program by your company, which helps to monitor the project. The information includes ville, category, type, total, etc.

Branch: 3.Administration Feature: Tools | Importation |Import individuals AtemisCloud | 3.Administration | Tools | Importation |Import individuals
Description:Similarly to Companies and Contacts, there is an option to import individuals as a single .xls file, created according to an available template (only xls, xlsx, csv formats are accepted). Click on the link to download/open an empty template file, and fill out your data. Don't delete or rename columns.

Branch: 7.Backoffice Feature: Tools | Importation | Import Sales AtemisCloud | 7.Backoffice | Tools | Importation | Import Sales
Description:These applications is dedicated to let you compare the customer’s data with that of your company about sales, type of telephone, manager,… as it must be the same with each other. It is the fastest way to add or update their information in bulk and the customer information will be updated accordingly. This feature allow you to synchronize the data as well as the information.

Branch: 7.Backoffice Feature: Database | Companies | Download the companies logo AtemisCloud | 7.Backoffice | Database | Companies | 	Download the companies logo
Description:This feature is designed to show the logo, download the logo and find the company. To download the logos, select “Download the logo” at the top of the page, it will run the process of download to one 100 percent. In this way, it helps to count the number of logos downloaded, companies processed, total companies, and certainly shown in the below.

Branch: 1.CRM Feature: Call Center | Call Panel AtemisCloud | 1.CRM | Call Center | Call Panel
Description:This feature will help you know how many companies did you call, how long since you last contacted them and whom did we contact in every predefined target segment.

Branch: 4.Project Feature: Specifications list AtemisCloud | 4.Project | Specifications list
Description:The Specifications feature allows defining the specifications for each technical project (feature/module). We should define the several components of the specifications such as the forms, the fields, the tables, the layout, and the process.

Branch: 1.CRM Feature: Opportunities | Quotations list AtemisCloud | 1.CRM | Opportunities | Quotations list
Description:Using this feature we can create & download the digital quotations in no time. 1. We can access to existing quotations and perform all the CRUD operations by right click or by clicking on the rightmost button (...). 2. Click on the quotation to view or download. 3. We can right click and send the quotation by mail to the customer. 4. We can filter the quotations by Customer, Project, Budget, Delivery Date etc.

Branch: 2.Marketing Feature: All features AtemisCloud | 2.Marketing | All features
Description:This feature is dedicated to list and describe all features within AtemisCloud.  You can check and find out interesting functions they have
