The Bright Business Suite

AtemisCloud features, insights and business strategies.

CRM for Education - The Future of the Schools
1/25/2019 Julie Nguyen CRM, Marketing, Administration, HR

The future of Education

Credits: Microsoft / Hololens

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) applications have always been used by Sales and Marketing departments of all industries. Step by step, the CRM strategies and philosophies focusing on the human relationship spread over in every type of industry or institution. For schools, students or their parents are the customers. Then it’s logical to care about these customers from the first contact (suspect), their interests (prospect), their admissions (client) up to their graduations, even up to the end of the graduated careers. The software industry, the initiated, loves to create acronyms understood only by them, like secret words. This CRM solution for Students is a SRM (Student Relationship Management). It can be either called a SLM (Student Life Management) or even a LMS (Learning Management System).
Personalized Learning: Artificial Intelligence and the future of Education
1/10/2019 Julie Nguyen Administration, HR, BackOffice

Education with AI AI is arguably gaining terrain in every aspect of our lives. At first, in the dawn of the computer revolution, software was completely passive. Human beings were telling computers what and how to do everything. With forty years in, computers and algorithms have improved in such a way that they are now giving back more than we put in. As AI gets better, it can be applied to more complicated matters and education is the final frontier.
5 AI features to better your communication and sales interactions
12/10/2018 Julie Nguyen CRM, Marketing, BackOffice

AI for communication The world of technology is moving forward at a very rapid pace taking with it all the business sectors. In the next 20 years, we will see more innovations than we did in all humankind. In the 3 last decades there were a hugest number of digital innovations of the history that boosted all industries and created millions of businesses. Humankind has finally realized their own worth and thus has come to the conclusion that repetitive and menial work needs to be done by machines. This shift towards automation has allowed companies to cater to the more human side of their business: emotions and soul. Simply running communication processes needs something more to receive always the best results. So, technology advanced once again and now the communication processes are armed with artificial intelligence. These processes can now take decisions on their own regarding the way to communicate, the message to send and the confidence to create.
5 AI CRM and Marketing Features to Boost your Sales
11/20/2018 Julie Nguyen CRM, Marketing

5 AI CRM and Marketing Features to Boost your Sales Over the last few years, AI has become the trend to enhance all businesses. AI can increase the efficiency of companies by 42%. The ability of machine learning to perform actions like clustering, forecasting, text and speech recognition, database filling, errors corrections and all activities that involve human intelligence is the key feature of artificial intelligence for businesses. For sales, Artificial Intelligence is the best suitable tool that helps the sales team to understand the customers behavior, the products to suggest, the sentiments of clients and improve both the Marketing and Sales of each company.
Acquire more leads with your Marketing and CRM solution
11/5/2018 Julie Nguyen CRM, Marketing

Acquire more leads with your Marketing and CRM solution When there are continuous sales opportunities, your company will be in the prime of financial health. The key to the business machine is when there is a constant stream of sales qualified leads that are to be converted into customers. So, what are the best possible ways in which we can generate those leads, to ensure that our business is running as smoothly as it possibly can? Let’s take a look and find out.
How to develop your CRM for an effective loyalty program?
10/29/2018 Julie Nguyen CRM, Marketing, Finance

How to Cold Call Efficiently Your Propects? It is often considered that a powerful and effective CRM program can accelerate your sales and allow you to continually satisfy your existing customers. How does it work? How much is it worth investing in term of time and resources? As it turns out, it is more productive for establishments to maintain a good rapport towards their already existing customers, than constantly looking out for a new audience. Companies usually need to spend lot more resources to acquire new customers than to sell to an already existing customer.
Happy Birthday AtemisCloud! 20 years old! Discover our story
10/18/2018 Julie Nguyen

Happy Birthday AtemisCloud! 20 years old! Discover our story At the beginning of Internet, Benoit Barrier founds AtemisCloud on October 1998. His idea is simple and innovative: to democratize management solutions. Intended only for large groups, these intelligent and structured tools would be made available to SMEs and SMIs. AtemisCloud offers an all-in-one solution that avoids the installation of a multitude of software and updates.
How to Cold Call Efficiently Your Propects?
10/9/2018 Julie Nguyen CRM, Marketing

How to Cold Call Efficiently Your Propects? Knowing the proper techniques for cold calling can give you those important clients crucial to climbing up the corporate ladder. The right tactics are simple to learn. You need to excel in both the endeavour of choosing your prospects cleverly and captivating them with what they want to listen.
Conquer the world and have fun with your CRM
3/22/2018 Ha Pham CRM, Marketing

Conquer the world and have fun with your CRM
Have fun is the only way to make a business application correctly used. Successful applications always bring these 3 benefits to their users: save money, save time and have fun. Yes, all CRM correctly used save time and money. Still, most of the CRM solutions are slightly used, 66% of Siebel projects failed due to the complexity of the solution. Most of the Salesforce users consider the solution only as a contact repository. People can even consider the CRM as a pain, a big brother watching upon the shoulder. The success of an implementation depends on the software (30%), the training (30%) and the strategy (40%). The angular stone is the game.
Get an intelligent CRM which fills the data for you
1/24/2018 Julie Nguyen CRM, BackOffice

Get a smart CRM which fills the data for you Most of the CRM users focus on the contacts lists and their activities. The qualification of data is a pain for all. After several months, your contacts details are no more valid, especially in such countries like Vietnam where employees use to change their company often. It makes the data cleaning and cleansing hard and costly. The quality of the data is Key. A smart CRM should fill and complete the data for you. Using the social networks, the application will collect all public data linked to your contacts, will update the contacts accordingly or alert you. The logo of the companies can be collected directly from the network. The photo of all your contacts can be withdrawn from their public profile. A bunch of details such as the position, the current company, the telephone number, the email, their contacts can be grabbed from several public sources.
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