The Bright Business Suite

AtemisCloud features, insights and business strategies.

Manage your companies' and customers' contacts
9/8/2015 Ha Pham

Manage your companies' and customers' contacts AtemisCloud offers a module “Companies and Contacts”. You create a card about a client or a company and add the features you want. Then, your employees attach activity reports to this card, as soon as they did anything for him. At one glance, you have all the information linked to your customer. You are ready at any time for every customer you have. With this tool, you will...
How to be successful at launching a new product or service?
6/15/2015 Ha Pham

How to be successful at launching a new product or service? Thanks to Internet, launching a new product or service is much easier. In the "good old days," you could hire a PR agency to craft a press release and set up a press tour. Before the big launch date, you would hit the road and meet with reporters from all the important press outlets. Then on launch day, you could sit back and watch the articles roll in. In those days, reporters might even spend a few days fact-checking and talking to customers before filing their stories.
4 of the best examples of emailing template
2/2/2015 Ha Pham

4 of the best examples of emailing template When you're an email marketer, your to-do list often looks like this: Generate opt-in leads, segment your lists, set up lead nurturing workflows, draft clear and concise email copy, check your emails for deliverability, optimize for plain text and HTML, and so on.
Frequently Asked Questions
10/18/1998 Julie Nguyen

1. What offers the Atemis application?
2. What differentiates the AtemisCloud and other SaaS?
3. What do I need to use Atemis? 4. Which benefits brings me Atemis applications? 5. What level of security in Atemis application and what are the guarantees of confidentiality of data? 6. How many accounts and users the Atemis application can handle? 7. What is the Atemis Cloud? 8. How do I manage the updates and provide new services? 9. Can we customize Atemis applications cloud? 10. Can I import my existing data in the application? 11. How to recover my data if I decide to terminate the tenancy of Atemis software? 12. What is the cost of the application? 13. Is it necessary to undergo training to learn how to use Atemis application? 14. What level of involvement required the IT department of my company? 15. Can AtemisCloud be coupled with a telephony solution?
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