The Bright Business Suite

AtemisCloud features, insights and business strategies.

0.15, 0.39, 0.99, 0.44, …: The nightmare of the call centers billing X
8/29/2016 Ha Pham

Guess what the following picture is :

THIS is a part of the pricing table of Free, a telephone company in France. For each destination you want to call, the price of a minute is different. It varies from 12 cents to almost 1€!

Now, imagine to be in charge of the phone billing of a call centre. Your employees are calling all around the world, at different hours, for different reasons. Their calls even don’t last the same duration. How can you gather all this detailed information? Worse: how can you determine the bill of those calls? It quickly turns into a nightmare.

Well, AtemisCloud provides a solution to it. Its module “Billing” collects all the necessary information to create this kind of bill. Your employees just need to login on your call platform through their professional e-mail address or their user names. Then, the software on your online ERP - means that you even don’t need to install any program on your computer – collect the destinations, the prices and the duration of the calls in real time. Last step: print it and save it as PDF document. It has never been so easy to get a phone bill for a call center!

See more: Manage your companies' and customers' contacts

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